
At just 39 kilometres from Bergamo, today Onore is one of the most interesting and sought after holiday centres on the Clusone high plain, partly for the environment that surrounds it, for the quietness that prevails, the facilities it has and the cordiality of its people.

The village is at the foot of a natural escarpment exposed to the south, which is the limit of an ancient fluvioglacial ‘terrace’, its area at an elevation of about 50 metres and stands at an altitude of 700 metres. The entire plain comprises recently terraced alluvions separated by small morphological escarpments from the current alluvion belts by two streams, around 20 metres lower down. Onore is surrounded by hills and mountains, among them Mount Cornet (1,429 metres), Vallevrina Point (1,401), Campo Peak (1,365), the Pù (841) and Falecchio (904) high plains. Like many other villages and towns in Italy and the rest of Europe, the origin of the name Onore can be found in the kind of pine woods that were prevalent in its area: the alder, which is unés in the Bergamascan dialect. That is the most credible hypothesis even if there are more recent ones that suggest Onore is a derivative of Lanorium (village of wool) and subsequently Honore (a complex of feudal rites). The village’s main attraction in an artistic sense is certainly its S. Maria Assunta parish church, of which the patron festival day is 15 August, which was built in the 18th century on high ground at the entrance to the residential area to a project mooted by Andrea Fantoni. In 1909 the church was lengthened under the direction of architect Elia Fornoni, who added an interior atrium limited by a monumental Serliano arch. The smaller churches are also interesting from the traditional point of view, including the S. Antonio Abate on the road to the Val de Tede and the S. Antonio da Padova in the Righensol area.

On the wall of one house in Onore, one can admire a large fresco of S. Alberto cutting grass with a scythe.

The Onore coat of arms embodies symbols of its activities: at the top are spindles for spinning wool, below is a pine wood and a sheep to recall the village’s agricultural past.

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