
Gromo stands on a rocky promontory surrounded by fields and fir woods, with its houses grouped around the Ginami Castle. The village was famous in ancient times for its iron ore and silver mines, as well as its steel arms factories. It has a well-established history in the holidaymaking sector and winter sports.

Its centre boasts significant monuments such as the Ginami Castle, the 15th century municipal building decorated inside by a series of frescoes of the arms market, the little San Gregorio church inside which one can admire a beautiful 17th century altar piece by Enea Talpino, many noble houses dating back to the 15th and 16th centuries. The 18th century parish church is well worth visiting and is dedicated to S. Giacomo and S. Vincenzo, and is embellished with a wooden altar of the Fantoni school, as well as paintings and frescoes of notable artistic value. Winter sport is concentrated on Boario-Spiazzi-Vodala, where enthusiasts enjoy alpine and Nordic ski-ing. Today, the village’s economy is based on tourism, artisan wood work and the hydro-electric industry.

On 10 July 2008, Gromo obtained the Bandiera Arancione (Orange Flag), awarded by the Touring Club Italiano.

On 10 October 2008, the village was recognised as qualified to become part of the Borghi Più Belli d’Italia (Most Beautiful Villages of Italy).

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