Valle dei Mulini (Castione della Presolana)

Typical area, located near Castione where there are four cliffs, with a large number of very different routes by difficulty and type

This is the best and the most significant crag in Seriana Valley  and one of the most important ones in the area surrounding Bergamo.  It is a characteristic and quiet valley near Castionecharacterized by four cliffs (GiambiRossaSan PederChignol) with a large number of different routes.
Drive through the main road along Seriana Valley up to Clusone and then follow the signs for Castione della Presolana. Pass through the town center and turn left  right after the Town hall, then follow the signs for Rusio. Continue for a few hundred meters up to a parking lot, park your car and continue for a few meters along the tarred road and then follow the track which starts just before the bridge. Follow the track and when you get to the first junction turn right into the valley. All the trails that lead to the sectors are marked with green circles. After a few meters cross the stream and continue up to a bridge and after crossing it you will come across a path on your left which leads to the Giambi sector, that you will reach in 5 minutes. Follow the wide path, cross over the stream and you will be able to see Parete Rossa, that can be reached in a few minutes by crossing back over the stream and following the path in the wood. Keep following  the main path and you will reach a small cement bridge. The Corno di San Peder sector is clearly visible on your left while on your right you can see the Chignool sector. Both of them can be reached in a few minutes. The whole walk takes 25 minutes from the car to the furthest sector.


In the Giambi sector you can find medium and easy climbs on excellent rocks that are sculpted with pockets, cracks and some pipes. The sectors are particularly steep and rich with overhangs.

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