Val Vertova

| Media Valseriana | Hiking Trails

Is one of the most picturesque corners of the media Seriana Valley, a track in contact with nature observing fabulous jumps trickling

The Val Vertova is one of the most charming corners of the middle of theValSeriana. A trail in contact with nature observing fabulous falls of crystal water, the potholes of the giants ( formed throughout the centuries by the force of the water) and the rich vegetation which characterizes this valley. You can drive to the centre of Vertova: from the square Vittorio Venetotake the road of the Val Vertova (on the left), which winds along the river for 2.7km as far as Cà Rosèt. Now the road becomes a dirt road and, beyond the café of GAV Vertova ,after about a hundred metres it is possible to park your car. The mule track continues along the river and, after having forded the river several times, you arrive at the waterfall of the Val de Gru. Continue until, crossing a bridge, you reach the fields of Merèl. Then how to continue? ( From this point, for those who are fit, there is the possibility to continue along the path leaving the river and walking up towards the left.)

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