Alpe Corte Hut

| Alta Valseriana | Hiking Trails

The hut is surrounded by pine trees and the presence of severe walls of the Dolomites is an ideal environment for children

 The refuge, easily accessible from the town of Valcanale, is immersed in a splendid pine forest before the severe face of the Dolomites in surroundings ideal for children. Close to Ardesio take the road on the left and arrive at Valcanale. After the town proceed for about a kilometer along the road which goes up the valley and as soon as you can park your car. A bit before the bridge over the River Acqualina, on the right, follow the cart track ( CAI 220) which goes up through a pine wood (1,117m). Continue to follow the same road, in about an hour you arrive at the destination: the refuge Alpe Corte.

N.B. A bit before the refuge there is a path on the left ( CAI 218A) which goes up toAple di Neel: this part of the trail, together with the path CAI 218 (as far as the Pass of Branchino) and the path CAI 219 (as far as the farmhouse of Mezzeno) is called the Path of the Butterflies and is equipped with relevant notice boards illustrating the naturalistic peculiarities of the area.

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