Laghetti Delle Valli

| Alta Valseriana | Hiking Trails

Meravigliosa gita che raggiunge uno degli angoli più suggestivi e panoramici della Valle di Scalve

This is a marvelous excursion which arrives at one of the most picturesque and panoramic angles of the Valle di Scalve. Recommended for the landscape and the characteristic colours.

From Schilpario you can reach the Passo del Vivione (1,828m). Once you have parked your car, you start walking along the path CAI 416 and, soon after, turn left, and going slightly downhill, take the path CAI 415. Crossing a flat plain, the path arrives atMalga Gaffione and continues, going slightly upwards, along a small stream which runs below the slopes of Monte Busna. Go up the pastures sprinkled with flowers and rhododendrons as far as the top of the valley (1,993m). Immediately below, hidden from view, shortly appear the two beautifulLaghetti delle Valli (1,979m).

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