Gianpace Hut

Val Sanguigno is the green oasis with the highest biodiversity in the Park of the Orobie of Bergamo.

Val Sanguigno is the green oasis with the highest biodiversity in the Park of the Orobie of Bergamo. The spectacle of the river Sanguigno is charming: the water flows down at different levels forming transparent pools of green and blue water. We arrive by car at the town of Valgoglio (929m), pass the Town Hall and we follow the only road which goes beyond the houses. Keeping the left we reach the hydro electric power station at Aviasco (929m) ( N.B. you must get a parking ticket at the automatic machine near the Town Hall of Valgoglio). We leave the car and we follow the signs which lead down, below the hydro electric power station and then cross the river Goglio over a small bridge. The path goes up steeply through a wood (15min), we come out at the barn of Sersen and shortly after we join a mule track which also comes from the hydro electric power station of Aviasco. Take the good mule track on the left with which we can reach and walk along by the river which flows down from the Val Sanguigno. Go up as far as the locality of the “little waterfalls” and, continue through a lovely beech wood, soon we arrive in sight of the Refuge Gianpace (1,331m)

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