Equipped Route in Presolana

This equipped route is located in an attracting and unique environment; the north-east versant of the Presolana is wild and harsh.

This equipped route is located in an attracting and unique environment. The north-east versant of the Presolana is wild and harsh and snow can resist for a long time. The climb is hard and long, especially if we reach the equipped route from Colere, passing through the peak of the mount Visolo.

Description of the path:

From Colere we can reach the refuge Albani by ski-lift or on foot following the path and then we descend to the mine huts and we follow the signs to the Passo della Porta. Quickly we reach the beginning of the equipped route and in the wilderness of the mountain the difficulties begin. Ladders help us in the climb and we reach the peak of the of the equipped route in the locality called “Fopu” passing throught section of trails. From this point we can reach the peak of the Mount Visolo or we can descend to the refuge.

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