Archery in ValSeriana

| Alta Valseriana | Outdoor and Fun

ValSeriana offers visitors the possibility to feel the emotion of being archer.

ValSeriana offers visitors the possibility to feel the emotion of being archer.
Everyone in his childhood played with an arch and arrows, pretending to be a Native American, looking for buffalos.

Growing up this activity can turn into a real sport which requires discipline, precision and composure.

Archery “Campo Arcieri Orobie”
Via Poerza, 500 – 24020 Onore
Phone: +39 0346.73442 – Mobile phone: +39 348.8104260

Archery “Passo della Presolana”
Loc. Donico – 24020 Castione della Presolana
Mobile phone: +39 348 7641238

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